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Sunday 24 February 2013

World War 1 full Essay

World Was 1 was know as the Great War or the War to end all wars. It was generally expect to only be a small minor conflict between the European countries to resolve the relationship between some country including empires. But as a result it had lasted more than 4 years, causing massive devastation and human losses, because these wars were normally in lager cities with high population and population density.

World War 1 began on 28 July 1914 and ended on 11 November 1918. It was triggered by one bullet a month earlier before the war began. This one bullet then gave the excuse for the Austria-Hungary Empire to attack Serbia in Revenge for the Archduke and his wife's murder. War was then declared against Serbia on 28 July 1914. As Austria- Hungary Empire expected the Serbia's ally Russia to join the war to protect Serbia, but Austria-Hungary too had its own allies Germany and Italy. 


Thursday 21 February 2013


European settlement had a severe and devastating impact on Indigenous people. Their dispossession of the land, exposure to new diseases and involvement in violent conflict, resulted in the death of a vast number of the Aboriginal peoples. The small percentage of Aboriginal people who did not die during these early decades of the colony, were not unaffected. The impact of the white settlers changed their lives, and the lives of future generations, forever.

European Exploration

Lt James Cook lands at Botany Bay, 1770 (from a British viewpoint)

Although Dutch and English navigators had visited the western and  northern coasts of the Australian continent from the seventeenth century onwards, and in 1642, Dutch navigator Abel Tasman had explored part of the coast of Tasmania, the eastern mainland of Australia remained unvisted by Europeans until 1770.
English explorer, Lieutenant James Cook, commander of HMS Endeavour, on the first of his three major voyages of discovery, explored the east coast of the Australian continent, naming it NSW and claiming the territory for Britain. To British eyes the Aborigines, though obviously present, did not seem to cultivate the land or build permanent habitations. In their view Australia was legally an empty land - "Terra Nullius" - allowing it to be annexed by the British without reference to any local inhabitants.
 The concept of "Terra Nullius" persisted as an Australian legal fiction for more than 200 years.


Geography fieldwork Full Report

Docklands Analysis

Melbourne only took interest in the Docklands when the new stadium in the Docklands was built, which was in 1996. From then on the Docklands is still being under development to built more building. Because the buildings were recently, so the buildings that were built are more modern and more attractive than the buildings that are built in Southbank.
Buildings at the Docklands including any business office and also apartments are all really colourful like blue and green, which were never seen at the Southbank. These effects make the buildings more interesting and give us a more welcoming feeling unlike the common colour used on the buildings in Southbank. The shape of the building in Docklands is also quiet interesting. Look in this image we could see the shape of the building in the right hand side with a sharp curve. 


Tokyo Climate Graph Report

Tokyo is located on the on south coast of Japan with numerous lakes and mountains surrounding it on all sides. Tokyo is has a land area of 2187 square kilometer. The geographical coordinate of Tokyo corresponds to 38degrees North and 138degrees east. The surrounding marine life as well as the vegetation of the land is very rich. There are also two rivers, the Tama River and the Samuda river flows through Tokyo. CLICK HERE FOR MORE



Afghanistan is located in the south of Asia landlocked by Iran to the west, Pakistan to the south, China to the east and Turkmenistan and other countries to the north. With about 647,500km2 and no water area, because it is surrounded by neighbouring countries, it is ranked 41st in term of land size.
The capital city is Kabul, with other major cities like Heart, Kandahar, Mazari Sharif and more. There are a total of 34 provinces in Afghanistan, with Kandahar being the most populated, and the 3rd largest locating on the eastern border.
The 2011 Census states that there are 29,835,392 living in Afghanistan, which is the 42nd most populated country.
The main language spoken in Afghanistan is Dari Persian is the native and official language of Afghanistan, Pashto, which more than 9 million people use, Turkmen and Uzbek, which are considered as minor language as there are many ethnic groups in Afghanistan. 
The currency used in Afghanistan is AFN, but before it was the official currency was AFA, which is 1000 times less than the AFA, so if you had 1000AFA it will convert to 1AFN. Also 1 US Dollar is 50AFN.

Text Response: The Town: The Clearing

“I’ve already got my reputation, Waldo. There’s nothing I can do about that, no matter how untrue or hurtful it might be. But yours-you can be a stud or a dud.”This is a quote extracted from the book: Town by James Roy. Each chapter has a new story with different character, which each has their own unique reputation. The Clearing is a perfect example of how reputation is portrayed in both good ways and bad way in the book. From this quote the reader is able to tell that reputation is really important in the book, as it is the key factor that links all the stories in the book, the reader could also tell that in the book reputation affect how the character feels about themself and their actions.
Reputations are really important in the book. Each character in the book has their own unique reputation, it is what they are known for and cannot be change, because reputation is the first impression of someone you know or you do not know, it will spread like rumours although it might not be true. It can be shown through their action, their dialogue and their feeling, and at the same time it affect their action, their dialogue and their feeling, but worst how they are treated by other characters in the book. In the chapter The Clearing, Josh Waldron invited Veronica to a party on the cliff. But because Veronica had a reputation that she would go in bed with any boy, although it was really untrue, Josh forced Veronica to do something with his brother: Sam against her will.”That’s my reputation right there, Waldo.