
Afghanistan is located in the south of Asia landlocked by Iran to the west, Pakistan to the south, China to the east and Turkmenistan and other countries to the north. With about 647,500km2 and no water area, because it is surrounded by neighbouring countries, it is ranked 41
st in term of land size.
The capital city is Kabul, with other major cities like Heart, Kandahar, Mazari Sharif and more. There are a total of 34 provinces in Afghanistan, with Kandahar being the most populated, and the 3rd largest locating on the eastern border.
The 2011 Census states that there are 29,835,392 living in Afghanistan, which is the 42nd most populated country.
The main language spoken in Afghanistan is Dari Persian is the native and official language of Afghanistan, Pashto, which more than 9 million people use, Turkmen and Uzbek, which are considered as minor language as there are many ethnic groups in Afghanistan.
The currency used in Afghanistan is AFN, but before it was the official currency was AFA, which is 1000 times less than the AFA, so if you had 1000AFA it will convert to 1AFN. Also 1 US Dollar is 50AFN.