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Thursday 21 February 2013

Geography fieldwork Full Report

Docklands Analysis

Melbourne only took interest in the Docklands when the new stadium in the Docklands was built, which was in 1996. From then on the Docklands is still being under development to built more building. Because the buildings were recently, so the buildings that were built are more modern and more attractive than the buildings that are built in Southbank.
Buildings at the Docklands including any business office and also apartments are all really colourful like blue and green, which were never seen at the Southbank. These effects make the buildings more interesting and give us a more welcoming feeling unlike the common colour used on the buildings in Southbank. The shape of the building in Docklands is also quiet interesting. Look in this image we could see the shape of the building in the right hand side with a sharp curve. 


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