This blog will be for me to upload homework for people to copy or take reference. If you guys have any difficulties with your homework AKA can't be stuffed, leave it to me. All you have to do leave a comment anywhere with the topic and the criteria and I will do it for you. THAT IS RIGHT I WILL DO IT FOR U.

Thursday 21 February 2013


This is Adam, Adam Williams. Right now he is the middle of nowhere, just the blazing sun above him and the plain grass beneath his feet but now thinking back at Darwin he saw houses and houses that stretch on for miles and miles and here looking towards the horizon line all he could see was gold strips across the sky and a long thin road which lead to somewhere.
Adam has just moved into this small town about 1000 km south of Darwin, he does not know why his parents moved, possibly they just couldn’t afford a living in the city or it might be that their parent just like this place, but for whatever reason Adam does not like this place and would rather be in Darwin with his mates, because as a new kid who just moved into this town, he has no friend and ever since he was here he has been trying to fit in.
“Do you want to hang out with us” ask John, who has thin brown hair that is brush unevenly to one side.


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